August 28, 2004

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For/Dreading

The picture you all have voted on. Click below to get taken to the page that shows it--but be warned that it does show the scar pretty darn well! Here you are--brave souls--click to expand. Posted by Martin at August 28, 2004 06:01 PM

Okay, I peeked. I couldn't stop myself. It sort of resembles the stitching on a baseball doesn't it. Maybe feels like one that's been hit into the wall!


Posted by: Linda St Andre at August 28, 2004 08:39 PM


Are those blue gems your birthstone?

Posted by: Jennifer at August 28, 2004 08:55 PM

Wow! Have any plans for Halloween? Barb S

Posted by: Barb S at August 28, 2004 10:29 PM

Since Donel told me today I was irreverant (moi?) I will refrain from stating my immediate comments and instead will marvel on the miracle of modern medicine. That's one heck of an amazing incision!!! And, for the record, let us remember that I am not the one who was thoroughly scolded from the pulpit this morning. I hope you were also thoroughly blessed. I sang the Alleluias extra loud because I was so happy to see you. xo

Posted by: Janet at August 29, 2004 12:24 PM

OK Superman, Tell me please you weren't in the pulpit today!

You know you make it hard for every other preacher who takes off a Sunday because they feel a cold coming on, or they twisted their ankle jumping out of bed to write a sermon, or they just had brain-surgery, or just because they're feelin' punk.

No, actually I have never known a pastor to stay home for any of those reasons. We all may have thought about it, but . . . !

So my McClellan-inspired blog is up but I want to do a little more tweaking before allowing the discerning public into it.

Let us know when you'll be in Seattle to strut your stuff for the docs and maybe we can meet and eat some fire-y food at the Snappy Dragon. Yum.


Posted by: Jennifer at August 29, 2004 08:22 PM

No Jennifer, I wasn't preaching, couldn't have stood up that long. I worshiped and heard a truly wonderful sermon by Bobbi Virta.

Posted by: Donel McClellan at August 29, 2004 10:37 PM

Well.....I can't say that those stitches are the tiniest I've ever seen......but I'll give them an A+ for eveness. Of course, seen through the eyes of a stitcher of fine seams, they "seam" all right to me. Once, when one of the ER docs was stitching up Kyle's head, she was trembling in her boots since she knew what I did for a living, and had, in fact, taken a costuming course from me.

Wish we could have been there to hear Bobbi today. But we did get to hear from the eldest daughter of our new family doc, who is enrolled at Union Theological Seminary. She said that this second visiting sermon was easier than the first, because she felt more comfortable really speaking her mind this more Miss nice Heidi.

Kent and I celebrated our 31st (yikes!) anniversary last night by attending a wonderful concert in a beautiful outdoor amphitheatre in Eugene by Peter, Paul and Mary. It was wonderful and kind of sad at the same time.....the protest songs we sang with them 40 years ago are still relevant today. It reminded us so much that we must all still work on the peace and social justice issues.


Posted by: Marilee at August 30, 2004 12:55 AM

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia" -- Charles Schulz

It's also already tomorrow in China. I returned home to the United States before I actually left Hong Kong (according to the local clock in both places) and as I eagerly read through your blog this morning to find out news of your well being, I couldn't help but have that time warp feeling -- My prayers for you were but a day away for the last few weeks, but also worlds and lives away at the same time, and I was most anxious to hear news from your corner of the world. I am so happy and relieved that your surgery sounds like it went well and that you are home, recovering, Donell. That scar is a wicked cool battle wound, a testiment to the miracle of modern medicine, breath-givingly beautiful.

I send my greetings now from a more local location -- humboldt street, Livestrong (brought a smile when I saw the bracelet on your wrist) from both Bryce and Kj -- Joy to you!

Posted by: Kj Hayes at August 30, 2004 08:26 AM

Oh Man, I didn't reread my post before I posted and I spelled Donel with Two L's! You might as well call me K.J. instead of Kj -- sorry, Donel.

Posted by: Kj Hayes at August 30, 2004 08:33 AM

Hi Donel,

Just got back from Seattle and National Dahlia Show. Couldn't wait to find out how you were doing. The picture is cool. What I want to know is it a "happy face" or a frown? It took me a minute to figure out it wasn't a baseball, and that the arrows up and down really meant something. So sorry we missed you in church yesterday. I'm surprised and not surprised. Glad to hear you are walking. Hope we get to see you soon!


Posted by: Kay Porter at August 30, 2004 04:49 PM

Oh my gosh--you are very brave. And to laugh at all the jokes! This is wonderful (the communication you have with all of us). There will be a HUGE reunion when you return.
OK, now to the surgery--Why'd the chicken cross the road?
(Cause he was stapled to a punk rocker!) Not that the description fits you in any way Donel.
Teresa and Joh Van Haalen

Posted by: Teresa Van Haalen at August 30, 2004 08:42 PM

So glad to read (and see!) evidence of speedy recovery ... and successful surgery. May the days of healing and return go quickly!

SHALOM -- Randy

Posted by: Randy Hyvonen at August 31, 2004 10:52 PM

That is one amazing scar. I especially like the jewlery addition. I am sorry that I have missed your two sightings at church. We have been out of town these past two weeks. However we will be there this coming sunday. So very glad that you are progressing as well as you are. I can relate to your desire to get back and running as soon as you are able. Your report sounds very encouraging, and positive. Our prayers have been answered. Hope to see you soon.

Posted by: Carol G at September 8, 2004 10:35 PM
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