April 21, 2005


One of the things I've always loved to do at this house is to take pictures of sunsets. When we first moved here I would take sunset pictures from my room and send them to friends hoping to instill a great jealousy that I not only had a view from my window, but awe inspriring view through a HUGE picture window looking out over the water.

I no longer attempt to instill jealousy, but I do still love to take sunset pictures. This one is from last week just as we were sitting down to that fabulous salmon dinner that dad mentioned already. Even a fabulous dinner has to wait for the sunset pictures! But as you can see, it was well worth the wait!


This morning, Dani, Martin, James and I took a walk around Lake Padden. The sun was just starting to rise in the sky and the lake was quiet and peaceful.

Posted by Jeni at April 21, 2005 05:45 PM

My college was on the bluffs high above the Mississippi River and looked out over all of Missouri. There was a small group of us who would gather, nightly, at the same spot to witness the sunsets. We would whistle and cheer God on, and sometimes rate the sunsets on a 1-10 scale. Often we would thank and sing a lullaby to the sun as it slid over the horizen.

I had forgotten about that until a few weeks ago. I was driving home from a day at Children's hospital and decided to take Chuckanut home. As I drove along - all 3 kids zonked out and snoring behind me - I just HAD to pull over and watch once again. As I stood there, I remembered and enjoyed again the peace and quiet of that time of day (now replaced by the "suicide hours" of supper time that is life with young kids - oh, just a few more years.....). It's really stunning, isn't it? So I risked waking them by going back in for the camera and took a few more shots in case I didn't already have enough sunsets in my photo logs (heehee). They didn't wake and I stood there for about 20 minutes -- just breathing and watching - pulling in as much as I could through my eyes to my soul. It was heaven.

Thanks for your photo and reminder.

Posted by: Meril at April 21, 2005 09:29 PM
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