March 27, 2005

Easter Morning

It is early Easter morning, before church. The day is a bit overcast and I doubt that anyone saw the sun at sunrise services.

Our paper, the Bellingham Herald came early and included a front page Easter story about my illness, the amazing support given through the blog and so many friends. The article with pictures is here:

Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen indeed!

Posted by Donel at March 27, 2005 08:03 AM

Good morning, and a blessed Easter to you!

Like many in Bellingham, I suspect, I learned of your situation only this a.m. through the Herald. Though I tried not to, I couldn't help but contrast your gracious willingness to walk with God and learn from your illness and circumstances with the sad, sad case of Terri Shiavo, whose parents claim faith in God and his care but who will not let their daughter go to him. (I know it's not that simple, but our minds want to simplify things so we can grasp them more easily. :) )

Though I long ago gave up on the institution of church, I've never given up on God. I've always found him more than adequate for every need that arises. It's truly a blessing to see a man who gracefully submits to Life and its vagaries and applies them to spiritual growth.

May God bless you and yours mightily this lovely, cloudy Easter morn!

Posted by: Anna Lawson at March 27, 2005 09:59 AM

Greetings dad, here is a happy Easter message to you from Singapore where it is already very early in the morning on the day after Easter. I hope you have a lovely day today. I saw the Bellingham Herald article and I am sorry to see that nowhere do they mention the actual name of your blog, which is BRIGHT WINGS. Much love, Dani

Posted by: Dani at March 27, 2005 10:21 AM

Oh darn, I suppose if you are a day beyond Easter, that means Charles is a day beyond his birthday! Sorry Charles, I have had it in my mind that we'd call you tonight when Mom & Dad got up here, but I guess we'll have to make a belated birthday call!

Hope it was a great day!

Dad - great article - thanks for getting me published!

Posted by: Jeni at March 27, 2005 12:20 PM

Hi Don,
Your article in today's paper was precious. Having finished chemo and radiation treatment 6 months ago, I identify with all you say, and you say it well.
With enough "F cubed," family, friends, and faith, seasoned with a heavy dose of positive attitude and determination, cancer can be one of life's most rewarding experiences. You sound like you have it wired. I believe I do as well.
Cancer is usually worse on family and friends, but oh how sweet it is to have their support, right? My heart really goes out to those who have no supporters.
I love your term "dancing with cancer." It's a very positive approach to all the good things we experience.
KEEP DANCING, DON. You are an inspiration to many. I will do my best to follow.
Bob Diehl

Posted by: Bob Diehl at March 27, 2005 02:56 PM

Happy Easter!
I really enjoyed the article, and was sorry I couldn't be at church this morning ...

Amelia's still in the hospital, after about five weeks, but she got to come home today on a "pass"! The girls and Brendan and I were so thrilled just to be together, doing silly things like eating too much candy and hiding eggs. Though we still haven't found a church here in Ohio yet (the UCC folks seem to be pretty stodgy around here...), it was just about the closest thing to God when Amelia came in the door! She's still pretty weak, and had a surprise surgery on Friday, but we're on the mend, we hope.

At one point today, I thought how great it would have been to wheel Miss Amelia into church to see everyone on her "pass"! So we were with you in spirit.

And, by the way, surely your taste buds must be ailing -- I've eaten St. Joe's food before and I wouldn't say it was very nice...!

Happy Easter.
The Murphys

Posted by: Pam Murphy at March 27, 2005 05:35 PM

Good Morning Don,

A belated Happy Easter. I saw you from across tha sanctuary Easter Morning and prayed for you. With what seemed to be a full congregation Sunday it was difficult to locate you after the service and figured there were many others who wanted to say hello, Happy Easter or just to wish you well. The article in the Herald was amazing and truly well deserved. Our family prays for you this comming week while you are in Seattle.
With love,

Tom Mathewson

Posted by: Tom Mathewson at March 28, 2005 08:07 AM

Dearest Donel, I am holding you and Marilyn (and Jeni and Ron and Allie and Nicole and Dani and Charles and James and Keith and Eulalah and and and......) close during the time of testing. I pray that your gift of experiencing the Christ in all things and then, in turn, demonstrating Emmanuel to us who love you will continue to "dwell in you richly". I wonder if you were struck by the strong words of our hymn yesterday...."Soar we now where Christ has lead...." Much love from Janet and Erin

Posted by: Janet at March 28, 2005 09:59 AM

Aack....somehow Martin and Christine got left off my list. Blessings on your Easter week. :)

Posted by: Janet at March 28, 2005 11:27 AM

Dear Mr. McClellan, Thank you for sharing so much of yourself and your journey. I regret that I haven't had the chance to know you. My 2yo daughter was baptized by Gail Crouch and I grew up to Dr. Rodney Romney's sermons. Since moving to Bellingham I was widowed, danced with breast cancer and am now remarried with a 2yo and another baby due in May. Life has been amazingly beautiful and painful and everything in between. And I'm only 35! I am hopeful in finding family and friends in the local FCC Church. After the death of my first husband I could not set foot in a church without feeling unbearable pain. I am learning (always learning) to "give grief its rightful place in my heart", and to embrace the beauty, joy and pain life has to offer without fear. I will be thinking of you and look forward to meeting you. Keep dancing, Sarah

Posted by: Sarah Wilborn at March 28, 2005 12:19 PM

Donel and Marilyn,

I thought about you both many times yesterday with wonder and hope and acceptance of news from your Seattle doctor. I am trying to be patient (something you know I have never been any good at) and wait for your MRI results.

The article in Sundays paper was very wonderful. We've sent it to Frank and Clara, our daughters and a couple of friends.

I was surprised in the beginning that this blog reached people from so many places. You have lived in many places and your computer networking with other pastors means you have friends all over the world, some you have met and some who've said they never met you but were still counted as friends from years of shared computer networking.

I've also been surprised by the community people who are responding to the newspaper article on your "dancing journey". Your wonderful openness makes it easy for others to respond and reach out to you. What a wonderful gift you have.

I love you!


Posted by: Kay at March 29, 2005 11:27 AM
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