February 06, 2005

Clan walk

The whole family (minus Christine, who was unable to join this weekend) was in town, and we walked down at Boulevard Park, taking a moment to pose for a family photo. More photos to come soon of our adventures. Posted by Martin at February 6, 2005 10:40 PM

And a handsome clan it is! Is that a blue sky I see? What a day & what a family & what a lot of love we have in our hearts for all of you.

Joe & Peggy

Posted by: Peggy at February 7, 2005 10:01 AM

HELP! While all of the McClellan Clan was out enjoying each other's company on a beautiful day I was kidnapped by a scoundrel from the office of a religious organization and am now being held hostage. My name is Kuan Yin and I am imploring you to pay my hostage ransom so I might be released. Upon doing do I will come and live with you. Marilyn won't mind as I never touch anything that doesn't belong to me.

I am the Goddess of Compassion. And if I say so myself, I am one of the most universally beloved of deities in the Buddhist tradition. I hear the cries of all beings.

I travel on a six foot tall scroll along with a lovely lotus plant. I won't take up too much room, I promise. Please, please pay the ransom and give me sanctuary. A room with a view would be very nice.

Cindy B has offered to be an intermediary between my kidnappers and the un-named religious organization. If you promise to pay $50 in a check made out to One Great Hour of Sharing within the next six months, I am yours!

Please Donel, save me from these savages and let me move into your spacious, well kept home where a Goddess such as myself might be appreciated. Ask Charles if you need any further references. Time is growing short . . .

Posted by: Kuan Yin at February 8, 2005 05:00 PM
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