August 20, 2004

Blessings and Good Night

I find it amazing how much you learn when sitting in an ICU waiting room. I believe Dani already mentioned Kim Folk and his liver transplant. His wife Kate & 10 year old daughter Jade seem to be pros at ICU and have regular support visitors popping in for positive words. They have positive attitudes and are a delight to talk with about the wonders of modern medicine. Things are going well with Kim and they've even heard the utterances of the word "miracle" coming from the surgeons. Keep them in your prayers while you are at it! We sit and hear snippets of conversations from others waiting on brain surgery patients, some with not so good news and we feel blessed by each good report we get on dad. We've all decided to head to our homes for a good night sleep and will be back at the hospital early to await the move out of ICU. Dad thoroughly enjoyed the blog comments and we thank you all for your love, support and especially humor! Posted by Jeni at August 20, 2004 11:11 PM

Good Morning McClellan Clan,

It's early and a great time to be at work. I'm thinking about Donel and the third day phenomenon. Rumor has it on the third day Jesus rose from the dead. The third day after delivery is often when the milk starts pouring out! Leftovers can start to smell suspicious on the 3rd, sixth, ninth and twelfth days.

As well as Donel is doing, it wouldn't surprise me if the impact of all that has happened in the last couple of months hits him today. The great job of being Super Patient (with the help of his docs and other staff) may be tempered with a more regular, "ouch, that hurts" kind of a day.

This too shall pass.

So, enjoy the day. It's going to be cooler, maybe even some rain, which, by the way, will fall on the just and the unjust.

I am thinking of all of you. When do we get the next photo update? Will Donel join the ranks of LBJ and show us his scar? All of you old ones remember Lyndon doing that with his belly scar and the caption reading, "Thank goodness he didn't have a vasectomy."

Enjoy this third day as you continue to rest in the Laz-e-child recliner of prayers.


Posted by: Jennifer at August 21, 2004 05:49 AM

Smiles all around our house today - from Hawaii to Southern California - our family has been holding you in love. The hospital waiting room is a great leveler and all of you deserve to sleep in your own beds - sweet dreams to everyone.

love, Mary

Posted by: Mary Becker at August 21, 2004 07:39 AM

Good Morning All,
I am headed out for my daily walk around Lake Padden, and yes Donel, I will walk counter-clock-wise(some habits are hard to break). Jeni thanks for Kim, Kate,and Jade's names. I will include them by name when I touch the heart stones awaiting prayers at the Lake.
On Saturday mornings Padden is crowded with folks practicing for the Seattle seems to me that your family is having your own Seattle marathon! Hang in there.
Love you all,

Posted by: Bobbi Virta at August 21, 2004 08:28 AM

Dear Donel, Marilyn, and your wonderful family,

I logged on to the Blog for the first time this morning and am moved to tears (well, not surprising!) at your wonderful progess, Donel, and for all the delightful reports, pictures, and comments from your children. I am so thankful and relieved for all of the good news and for the fact that you have tangible evidence of all of our love and care for you all.

You will continue to be surrounded by our prayers! Thanks to all for keeping up the reports--a wonderful mechanism to feel connected to you.

Much love,
Marilyn Gorsuch

Posted by: Marilyn Gorsuch at August 21, 2004 08:39 AM

I dug out the Gerard Manley Hopkins poem from which the title of this blog - "Bright Wings" - is taken. It's fascinating to re-read it while thinking of Don in the brightly lighted ICU room, surrounded by technology . . . which is merely assisting in the miracle of healing.
"For all this, nature is never spent;
There lives the dearest freshness deep down things

Posted by: BobOlmstead at August 21, 2004 09:53 AM

Good Morning to all you dear ones! I hope the move to a "regular" room goes smoothly for you today, Donel.
David and I are leaving for Vancouver Island today and will return Tuesday evening. I will feel "out of the loop" for a few days but you will know that I am praying without ceasing for continued healing.
We are celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary and are returning for the first time to our honeymoon site in Tofino. This time, however, we are not sleeping in a leaky tent! I am confident Tofino has changed greatly in three and a half decades but the sand and ocean will be the same.
Our thoughts, prayers and love remain with you.

Posted by: Cheryll Blair at August 21, 2004 10:50 AM

It's raining in Bellingham! Really hard. I can just hear the trees and grass and earth gulping all the new freshness. Of course I thought of you Donel and how your body is able again to be refreshed. May there be as many blessings on you today as there are raindrops here.....I am hoping for a torrent! Love to all the family there with you. j

Posted by: Janet at August 21, 2004 01:33 PM

Dear Donel & Family,

Greetings from Oregon.

I had never read a blog before. This new technology has been a blessing of community.

I hope that those of you in the prayer circle didn't mind the gentle "nudge" as Kent and I wiggled our way into your midst. I am sorry that my hands are ALWAYS cold, but I know from 35 years experience that Kent's hand is always nice to hold. And as one of my favorite "oldies" intreats, "May the circle be unbroken."

We hope that the move out of ICU goes smoothly today.


Posted by: Kent & Marilee at August 21, 2004 02:47 PM

Donel and Marilyn,

I called Jeni on Tuesday of this past week and rambled on about all my great ideas for our families to do together over the next few months. You see, I'd been gone for 4 weeks camping and had conjured up all kinds of great plans. She humbly listened and then later told me what you all had been through! You might remember that I was raised Catholic and the guilt is supposed to set in quite quickly about not having prayed when one was supposed to. So, now I pray vigorously for continued healing for you Donel and for your entire team of support. It's also neat to see how someone such as yourself who has been there for people in strife, now get to be on the receiving end of the prayers. What a beautiful circle.

Annie (Emily and Natalia's mommy)

Posted by: Annie Kurz Chambard at August 21, 2004 04:05 PM

Donel: Just a note to say hello and let you know I am thinking of you (yes, even your old cousin Ray)! Pat sent me an Email informing me of the "blog" so wanted to add my hello to you. Man what an operation you went through and indeed, it sounds like you are recovering wonderfully! God Bless You, take care of yourself and sincere best wishes for a speedy recovery/Ray.

Posted by: RAY CHASE at August 21, 2004 05:04 PM
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