April 17, 2005

Playing Hooky From First Congregational UCC

This morning Marilyn and I attended the Custer United Methodist Church where Bobbi Virta is pastor. I was eager to see Bobbi in her new setting and this seemed a good Sunday to visit.We arrived a bit early and Bobbi's husband Pasi was there to greet us and suggest a good place to sit (in the third pew). When the service started he joined us.

The church just celebrated its centennial although the building is newer. It is clear that the congregation loves this building. It is beautifully kept up, clean and inviting. The sanctuary has spectacular stained glass windows in different styles. It is clear that at Custer everybody knows your name. The warmth and sense of family is palpable.

The service was comfortable and informal with a number of laity taking part, leading favorite hymns at the beginning of worship, sharing announcements, providing a time with children, and reading scripture.

Bobbi provided the context of the theme of Jesus welcoming followers into the sheepfold and made the metaphor both inclusive and intensely personal. The sermon balanced the text with our lives as faithful people. Several times during the preaching she did what I always look for in fine preaching. She surprised me by drawing something out of the scripture that I didn't expect, like "If Jesus is your shepherd, no others need apply."

Following the sermon, Bobbi invited people to share joys and concerns. Following each one Bobbi shared a brief extemporaneous prayer ending with "God hear our prayer" to which we answered "And in your love, answer."

Marilyn and I returned home feeling that we had found a lovely congregation where the worship of God was authentic and artful. And we all felt grateful for Bobbi Virta's gift for ministry.

Posted by Donel at April 17, 2005 05:22 PM

We missed you this morning, Donel and Marilyn, but am happy (relieved) to know you were enjoying another wonderful service in Custer.

Thank you again and again for continuing your ministry to us through the blog.


Posted by: Marilyn at April 17, 2005 08:38 PM

Donel - Thank you for sharing your worship with Bobbi. Her deep personal faith as always been an inspiration to Bruce and I. It is wonderful to picture how her many gifts are being shared with the Custer congregation.


PS - Your dinner menu sounded superb! As Bruce and I travel, we find we never order salmon outside of the west coast and it is one of the first things we eat when we are home. I'm glad that you found the benefits of rhubarb!

Posted by: sharon at April 18, 2005 08:53 AM

I'm so glad you were able to join Bobbi and the Custer church for worship on Sunday. It seems expecially appropriate on the Sunday of pulpit exchanges. I looked for you both on Sunday and like everyone else was a little concerned when I didn't see you. I know Bobbi would be so welcoming and happy to have you join with them.


Posted by: Kay at April 20, 2005 09:17 PM
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