April 09, 2005

Bellingham Herald Easter Story on Donel

The Bellingham Herald changed the location of its Eaaster Story on my journey. The new location is here. If it changes again we'll try to keep a source current.


Blog Excerpts

Posted by Donel at April 9, 2005 05:50 PM

Donel thanks for the phone conversation this evening as I drove home from my church. Thanks for the permission to read your sermon while I am out of the pulpit. Our president will read your sermon "Bible Self-Defense" from last July on April 17. By the way, I finished my pint of Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia when I get home. Shalom my friend,
Bob Hempel, St. Petri UCC, Ringing the Bell Beside the Chicago Skyway.

Posted by: Bob Hempel at April 13, 2005 03:49 PM
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